Color palette

The Balanced color palette is used to establish hierarchy and affordance. Balanced turquoise is the primary brand accent, and should be used for actions within the interface.

When using color in typography:

  • Body and paragraph text should be Balanced light grey
  • Headers should be white
  • Links should be Balanced turquoise
  • Errors should be Balanced red

Primary palette


HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183

Balanced navy blue

HEX: #01002a

RGB: 1, 0, 42

Secondary palette

Balanced parent panel

HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183

Balanced panel

HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183

Grey scale

Balanced light grey

HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183

Balanced dark grey

HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183

Other colors

Balanced red

HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183


HEX: #2ca9b7

RGB: 44, 169, 183