The stablecoin and exchangecrafted for simplicity

Borrow bnUSD, swap and transfer crypto cross-chain, supply liquidity, and govern the future of Balanced.

Borrow Balanced Dollars

Deposit crypto as collateral to mint bnUSD, a decentralised cross-chain stablecoin equivalent to 1 US Dollar.

Use the cross-chain exchange

Swap crypto on different blockchains, transfer your tokens cross-chain, and get paid to supply liquidity.

Participate in governance

Earn or buy Balance Tokens (BALN), then lock them up to hold voting power and benefit from Balanced’s success.

For the rest of us.

Balanced is decentralised finance designed for adoption: it’s fast, affordable, and easy to use. Home to the Balanced Dollar stablecoin and a cross-chain exchange, it defies the industry’s carbon-copy complexity with an interface loved by beginners and experts alike.

Use Balanced to borrow bnUSD, trade, supply liquidity, transfer cross-chain, earn rewards, and participate in governance. Once you try it, you won’t want to use anything else.

Borrow or trade bnUSD.
A stablecoin backed by crypto.

The Balanced Dollar (bnUSD) is a decentralised stablecoin that tracks the price of 1 USD. It uses cryptocurrency as collateral to guarantee its value, with support for assets from a variety of blockchains. bnUSD is over-collateralised, so the total supply cannot exceed the value that backs it.

You can borrow bnUSD for a ... fee and ... interest, or buy some on the exchange. It’s ideal for leverage, liquidity, and payments, and you can use it wrapper-free on every blockchain Balanced connects to.

Learn more about the Balanced stablecoin.

Total supply


Total backing


  • Collateral
  • Stability Fund



Collateral ratio


Borrow Balanced Dollars

Leverage your cryptocurrency as collateral, then borrow bnUSD on any supported chain.

Stabilise the price

Use the Balanced exchange to trade bnUSD 1:1 for approved stablecoins whenever the price fluctuates.

Earn a return

Deposit bnUSD into the Savings Rate to earn interest, or supply liquidity alongside another asset to earn BALN.

Earn a return for bnUSD
with the Balanced Savings Rate.

If you have bnUSD sitting idle in your wallet, add it to the Balanced Savings Rate. You’ll earn rewards from loan interest, Balanced revenue, and the ICON Network, and you can withdraw it at any time.

Learn more about the Balanced Savings Rate.

Total deposited


Reward rate


Rewards distributed


Swap assets.
Supply liquidity.
Transfer cross-chain.

Balanced includes a decentralised exchange where you can swap between a variety of assets and chains. All liquidity lives on the ICON blockchain, but the final destination is up to you.

To facilitate trades, Balanced pays people to supply liquidity. Liquidity pools keep ... of the trading fees, and many pools offer BALN as an incentive.

Visit the Balanced exchange.

Total liquidity


Volume (24h)


Incentives (24h)


Swap between assets

Trade through the liquidity pools and Stability Fund to get the assets you need in an instant.

Supply liquidity

Provide liquidity to earn a share of the trading fees, and stake your LP Tokens to earn BALN from incentivised pools.

Transfer between blockchains

Swap on one chain, receive your new asset on another. To send assets directly to another chain, use the Bridge tab.

Earn Balance Tokens.
Participate in governance.

Balanced offers Balance Tokens (BALN) as an incentive for borrowers and liquidity providers. BALN is a governance token, which you can lock for up to 4 years to hold voting power and boost your earning potential.

Almost anything goes with Balanced’s extensive, on-chain governance. Vote to add collateral types, modify the fees, spend the DAO Fund, interact with third-party contracts, launch on additional blockchains, and more. You can even influence the incentives for each liquidity pool — and earn a kickback for it.

Go to the Vote page.

Lock up Balance Tokens

Receive bBALN: a token used to vote, earn network fees, and boost the BALN earned from liquidity incentives.

Participate in DAO discussions

Join the community discussion on the forum and Discord, and help transform good ideas into strategic proposals.

Cast your vote

Vote to approve or reject proposals, and influence the BALN incentives for each liquidity pool.

Put the DAO Fund to work.

Total holdings:


DAO Fund:


Protocol-owned liquidity:


bBALN holders decide how Balanced should use its capital. Vote to increase protocol-owned liquidity, establish new income streams, and fund development efforts that will help Balanced thrive in a cross-chain environment.

If you have an idea that would benefit Balanced, start a discussion on the Balanced forum or in the Balanced Discord channel.

Use Balanced on
multiple blockchains.

Balanced is the flagship app of the ICON blockchain. In late 2023, ICON released GMP, a cross-chain messaging service that can interact with any interoperability protocol. To demonstrate GMP’s potential, Balanced began its cross-chain journey.

Balanced can support any blockchain GMP connects to. Use Balanced to swap and transfer assets cross-chain, and access the bnUSD stablecoin. Liquidity pools, rewards, and governance are only available on ICON.

bnUSD Borrow bnUSD Swap Supply liquidity Bridge Vote
ICON Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Arbitrum Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Archway Yes No Yes No Yes No
Avalanche Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Base Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
BNB Chain Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Havah Yes No Yes No Yes No
Injective Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Sui Yes Yes Yes No Yes No

How Balanced
secures your experience.

Balanced is a decentralised protocol that operates via smart contracts. Errors in the code can introduce vulnerabilities, so the smart contracts have been audited, and there are 24-hour withdrawal limits for each core smart contract.

Security is a process, not a destination. Audits and withdrawal limits reduce the risk of smart contract exploits, but there’s always a risk. Invest only what you can afford to lose.

Audited smart contracts

The Balanced smart contracts have been audited multiple times. MoveBit completed the last audit in August 2024.

View audit reports.

Withdrawal limits

To reduce the damage of an exploit, the smart contracts include a withdrawal limit for each asset which resets every 24 hours.

View withdrawal limits.

Appreciation from the
Balanced community.

I’ve used almost everything on Ethereum, Solana, and Terra, and nothing beats @BalancedDAO in terms of UX. My mind is blown every time I log in. Hard to believe that it runs on blockchain.

Some of that is due to fast block time, but most of it is good Ul design.


@BalancedDAO just made the new wave of #DeFi. Shit isn’t even close.

I would try to do defi on other platforms like uni and honestly shit was intimidating. I said fuck it and left it alone.

Balanced UI/UX had me figuring this shit out and now i provide liquidity. #ILovelt 🙏🔥💯


Balanced’s simplicity, ease of use, stunning interface, and high yield have made it my one and only DeFi platform.

I was initially hesitant to use other DeFi services because they seemed complicated and I didn’t feel competent to use them effectively. After finding Balanced, I’ve been able to take out loans, supply liquidity, and earn staking rewards at the same time, easily and confidently. I’ll never use anything else.

Ettienne Nel

The user interface is so damn sexy on @BalancedDAO Everything is so easy and clean. Much more clean and user friendly off my bank account!!! THE FUTURE IS HERE


Balanced has been the best move I have made so far in my 5 years of being in crypto .. I have upped my coins by a quarter of my total stack in nearly a month... the rebalancing tool protected me from liquidation and also paid down my loan at the same time.. truly amazing .. the 0 percent interest on the loan is unheard of.. the APY is insane ... all in all probably will melt faces very soon ...

DeFi Dave

Balanced is in my opinion a game changing UX design that I feel is what defi should look like.

Nick Neessen

The Balanced launch was a huge success for $ICX. Balanced has the best Ul/UX of any DeFi platform.


@BalancedDAO Has cured my UniSwap PTSD. Such a pleasure to use.


By the people for the people. Best UI, tailored for your average user. Even your grandparents will be able to navigate this defi.


@BalancedDAO is, by far, the most elegant implementation of a decentralized bank/yield farming/swapping solution to hit crypto... by far. The returns are insane and look to be for the next couple of quarters. This is the gem of @helloiconworld


Great UI, great functionality. A hidden gem with inexpensive TX fees based on ICX and better than average APYs. Very beginner friendly with extra added layers of complexity for the aficionado. Enough already, just try it out. You’ll love it!


The only DeFi project that I love logging in every day is Balanced, amazing product and Ul interface, keep up the good work team and keep building.


One of the most intuitive and user friendly DeFi dApp, by far. If you’re a begginner and want to learn about DeFi, it’s a no brainer. Also suited for experienced users thanks to the stats and the DAO voting that gathers high activity.


I was hesitant to use Balanced at first as I’d never used a defi product before. 4 days after launch, I plunged in and it could not have been a more smooth experience. I’ve been using it ever since. Incredible UI, been collecting BALN daily and staking for network fees. Couldn’t recommend Balanced more, plus the community support is unbelievable. A+

Kyle Raburn

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